DELC 2022 Recap
District Education and Leadership Conference

Welcome to the DELC 2022 recap page! In case you missed the event, you’ll be able to learn all about it on this page. This is where you can find the itinerary, the list of award recipients, and even an interview with DELC Co-Chair and Past District Executive Assistant Serena!
What is DELC?
The District Education and Leadership Conference (DELC) was an end-of-year District-wide celebration of all of the service and achievements all of the ECD Key Clubs have accomplished this service year. It marked the beginning of a brand new service year, with the new board being installed for 2022-2023.
The Conference consisted of workshops, a guest speaker, service, and more! We really enjoyed meeting with everyone virtually and we hope you all found it to be a fantastic experience!
Friday Night Opening Session |
6:00 – 9:00 PM |
Saturday Morning Introduction |
10:30 – 10:45 AM |
Service Project Block |
10:45 – 11:30 AM |
Kindness Rocks
In the Kindness Rocks initiative, we used art supplies to decorate rocks with uplifting and kind messages. Afterwards, we placed the rocks in a public area, such as the beach, a park, or even by the sidewalk!
Letters to Kiwanians
In the Letters to Kiwanians initiative, we wrote letters (both handwritten and digital) to Kiwanians that have helped us with our Key Club journey. Then, we emailed them to the recipient to spread some happiness!
Advisors Only: Coffee With DA Firma
Coffee with the DA for Advisors Only consisted of getting acquainted with one another, improving communication, as well as planning for a training session on social media held in the fall of 2023.
Workshop Block 1 |
12:35 – 1:20 PM |
We learned how to become a better team player in extracurriculars, in leadership positions and in everyday life!
What’s Out There? The Guide to the Kiwanis Galaxy
Special Guests Eastern Canada Circle K Governor Deanna and Eastern Canada Circle K Kiwanis Family Chair Shrishti gave University tips and tricks, and explained her experience in the Kiwanis Family including in Kiwanis and Circle K!
Workshop Block 2 |
1:20 – 2:10 PM |
This was the best trivia game ever! Players got a chance to show off their knowledge of random facts about anything and everything!
Running Effective Meetings in Key Club and Beyond
Have you ever had to run a Key Club meeting and keep your audience engaged? Have you wondered how you could improve your presentation skills in general? In this workshop, the &Vision team explained how to create engaging and effective presentations, and how to apply these new skills to Key Club and across other important contexts.
Break |
2:10 – 2:20 PM |
Caucusing |
2:20 – 3:30 PM |
House of Delegates |
3:30 – 5:00 PM |
Dinner Break |
5:00 – 6:30 PM |
Closing Session |
6:30 – 8:30 PM |
DELC Awards Ceremony
During the closing session on Saturday Night, we announced the winners of various Key Club awards! You can find descriptions of these awards and the names and school of the recipients on this page. If you’d like to win one of these next year or nominate someone else – a fellow Key Clubber, teacher advisor, or Kiwanis advisor – then keep your eyes open for the application forms sent out every year before DELC!
District Administrator’s Award
Awarded to Colonel Gray Key Club, from Charlottetown, P.E.I for their Miracle Minute Ukraine Fundraiser completed within only 4 and a half days. During this fundraiser, they made posters & had a printing company make up 500 yellow & blue stickers of the Ukraine flag for the entire school. Around 20 Key Clubbers went to each class at a specific time to collect donations and raised a total of $2,303.80. Their Teacher Advisor, Suzanne Lee, said “Together…we can make a difference,” and that she would love it if we could challenge other Key Clubs to do something similar.
Club Poster Contest
Awarded to AY Jackson Key Club, AN Myer Key Club and Nepean Key Club for their originality, creativity, appearance, artistic expression, and effectiveness of membership recruitment.
Club Video Contest
Awarded to AY Jackson Key Club – judged on their originality, clarity of message, quality of production, and promotion of Key Club.
Club Scrapbook Contest
Awarded to Nepean High School in Second Place and A.Y. Jackson Secondary School in First Place. These Key clubbers made an honourable memoir to reflect on their impactful and influential service year.
Talent Show Winners
Awarded to Ivy Liu and Sarah Li for their incredible talent show submissions.
A.J Tony Pelosse Single Service Award
Awarded to AN Myer Key Club who held a menstrual product drive and collected over 1600! This award is given to the Key Club which through its unselfish efforts, has produced during the year the best single service project dedicated to interests other than their own. This award is very close to the hearts of Key Club and its objectives. A qualifying single service project is defined as a club service project, planned, organized, and produced by the Key Club occurring on a single day or consecutive days, or recurring on different days. Honourable mention include AY Jackson Key Club and Harbord Key Club for their amazing service projects.
Allen Stewart Most Outstanding Faculty Advisor Award
Awarded to Jennifer Fortino from John Redmond Secondary School, the most outstanding Faculty Advisor in the District. They exemplify outstanding involvement with their Key Club, and have gone the extra step to support their Key Club and its members in any manner possible. It is named in honour of Mr. Allen Stewart, Past Governor of the Eastern Canada and Caribbean District of Kiwanis International. Mr. Stewart has been a long-time friend and supporter of the Key Club Program in the Eastern Canada District.
Brian W. McGarry Most outstanding Kiwanis Advisor Award
Awarded to Sandie Greenhall of the St. Catherine’s Kiwanis Club. This award is named in honour of Mr. Brian W. McGarry, who served as the Key Club District Administrator from 1974 to 1977. He was awarded our District’s highest award, the Key of Honour in 1977 for his dedication to the Key Club Programme. The Brian W. McGarry award is presented to the most outstanding Kiwanis Advisor in the District who has worked to better their homes, schools, and communities. Many Key Club members took the time to nominate their advisors, and it was hard for the District Board to choose just one recipient after reading through all of the wonderful submissions!
Distinguished Executive Officer Award
Awarded to Arianna Tang from A. Y. Jackson Secondary School. Executive officers are the driving force behind every club. They run volunteering activities, engage with members, and ensure the success of clubs. The winner of this award has been vetted by members of the Board and is certified to have gone above and beyond their role.
Distinguished President Award
Awarded to Emma He from Father John Redmond. Every year, the Eastern Canada District Board recognizes club presidents who have served their club tremendously. This year, there have been many exceptional club presidents, coming from even the most remote areas of Eastern Canada. Winning presidents have been vetted by members of the Board and certified to have gone above and beyond in exalting the values of Key Club and improving their club’s impact in their community.
Distinguished Secretary/Treasurer Award
Awarded to Wendy Ye and Miyuru Ranaweera. Secretaries are the untold heroes of many clubs. The secretaries help maintain records, take meeting minutes, and keep the club organized. Treasurers ensure their club’s financial records are correct and help facilitate many club initiatives. Winning secretaries and treasurers have been vetted by members of the Board and certified to have gone above and beyond in keeping their clubs well organized and running smoothly.
Kenneth S. Wynkie Most Outstanding Key Clubber Award
Awarded to Samantha Jenkins from AY Jackson Key Club. This award was created in memory of the late Mr. Kenneth S. Wynkie, who served as the Eastern Canada District Key Club’s District Administrator from 1967 until his death in 1974. It is presented annually to the most outstanding Key Club member in the Eastern Canada District who has gone above and beyond in their call to leadership and volunteerism.
Governor’s District Service Project Award
Awarded to Harbord Key Club. The ECD Board voted from a pool of 10 organizations to support True North Aid as our District Service Project. We all felt strongly about their cause and wanted to support them in any way possible. We would like to recognize the outstanding club(s) that participated in supporting the District Service Project this year through service and/or fundraising efforts. Some honourable mentions for this contest are AY Jackson and Saint Paul Key Club!
Solo Summer Service Participant Award
Awarded to Jaden Ehoro from Gloucester Key Club for their outstanding service this summer, picking up over 560 pieces of litter. Solo Summer Service, taking place this summer united over 75 students from across the country to pick up litter in their community spaces. Over 25,000 pieces of litter were picked up and over 150 volunteer hours were awarded throughout the year. Thank you to all participants of Solo Summer Service, you all contributed significantly to the integrity of your community green spaces.
R.A. (Bob) Cageorge Distinguished Club Achievement Award
For the Bronze award, the smallest size bracket comprising of clubs of 20 members or less, the winners are as follows: in third place, St. Joseph Key Club, in second place Ingersoll Key Club, and Nepean Key Club in first place.
For the Silver award, comprising of clubs of 20 to 40 members, the winners are as follows: in third place we have Northern Key Club, in second place we have Harbord Key club, and in first place we have AN Myer Key Club.
For the Gold Bracket with 40-60 members the winners are: in third place we have Marc Garneau Key Club, in second place we have St Francis Xavier Key Club, and in first place we have AY Jackson Key Club.
For the Platinum award, we have winners with over 60 members: In third place we have Cameron Heights Key Club, in second place we have Colonel Grey Key Club, and in first place we have Father John Redmond Key Club.
The R.A. (Bob) Cageorge Distinguished Club Achievement Award is given to clubs that have shown exceptional dedication to service in their homes, school, and community. They have exemplified the Key Club core values and showed an exceptional performance throughout the year on their Annual Achievement Report. These awards are classified by club size. Note that the size classifications have been modified by the Board for our District.
Above and Beyond Award
LG Deepika from Division 2/3 presented this award to Ivy Liu from CHCI Key Club.
LG Finesse of Division 4 presented this award to Maggie Huang, president of Saint Paul Key Club.
LG Margad of Division 5 presented this award to Martina Mesic, a Key Club president and member of the Eastern Canada District Taskforce.
Governor Jackie in place of retired LG Brooke of Division 8/9/10 presented this award to Xue Feng Shi, president of OCV Key Club.
The Above and Beyond Award is presented to one Key Club member in each division that has truly gone above in their services. These students embody and possess the three pillars of Key Club: having the heart to serve, answering the call to lead, and having the courage to engage.
Paul Kelly Joint-K Initiative Award
Awarded to Cairine Wilson for their online events with Aktion Club. This award is given to Key Clubs that have shown excellence in encouraging K-Family Relations by performing joint projects with other members of the K-Family. These include K-Kids programs, Builders Clubs, other Key Clubs, Circle K Clubs, Aktion Clubs, and Kiwanis Clubs.
Interview with DELC Co-Chair and Past DEA Serena
We held a virtual interview with Serena Butera in order to learn more about her experience and involvement during the planning and organization of DELC! Keep reading to learn more about her insights into in-person versus virtual DELC, how the board overcame certain challenges, and how best to fundraise for DELC in the future!
Describe what the DELC process looked like when it was in-person.
DELC always begins on the last Friday in March. During the last DELC back when it was in-person, it was held at the Crown Plaza Hotel at Niagara Falls. After you sign yourself in, the event kicks off with an introductory ceremony that usually leads to a dinner as well as a Board-Wide Talent Show that’s open to everyone. On Saturday morning, you’ll wake up to breakfast, and then, at 8:30 AM, attend two/three workshop blocks. These workshop blocks usually involve a service project which you participate in and then from there you go to lunch, which could potentially involve a guest speaker. Then, you’ll attend Caucusing, where you’ll be led into rooms where candidates for elected positions – such as District Governor – will be introduced. The candidates will speak to each division separately, give speeches, and answer questions before voting occurs. Then, two delegates from each club will attend the House of Delegates, where they’ll vote on new bylaws. After dinner, you’ll attend an in-person dance. On Sunday morning, you’ll have breakfast, attend a closing session, and the old board will pass their positions onto the new board.
What position did you hold in the planning and hosting of DELC?
I held the position of DELC Committee Co-Chair with DST Amy, led the planning and facilitation of all things DELC related, instructed board responsibilities, and assigned ECD task-force members to board committees.
Who assisted you in the DELC planning process?
District Secretary-Treasurer Amy, the other Co-Chair of the DELC Committee. Sandie Greenhalgh, the DELC Hosting Chair. Finally, each member of the Eastern Canada District Board had a role assisting event planning.
What was the most challenging part of planning/hosting DELC?
The most challenging part was the complications to the event caused by COVID.
Was the transition to online DELC difficult?
Yes, but it was made easier through Serena’s idea of making DELC resources that were available both in person or online so there was no need for changes when it switched.
Was it difficult to get people to attend DELC?
No, as long as marketing is maintained and all LGs promote it to their divisions and friends, you should have no problem getting 150 attendees. This is also applicable to in-person DELC – 90 people registered before the switch to online.
Why would you encourage Key Clubbers to attend DELC if they are not Delegates or Candidates?
It’s a great experience that’ll help you understand the scope of Key Club. You’re also further enlightened as to the amount of passionate Key Clubbers in our district who share a similar mindset. Finally, there’s fun service projects, talent shows, and awards that you won’t want to miss out on!
What advice would you give executives to start fundraising for an in-person DELC?
I would say, when fundraising, make sure to find an interesting fundraising method/event that your school will engage in. It’s also a good idea to set goals and involve all Key Clubbers – not just executives. This can be achieved through subcommittees where you assign teams depending on how large your Key Club is. Finally, make sure to assign people roles and distribute the workload evenly, so as to not place too heavy a burden on one person.