District Board
Executive Officers

District Governor – Maria Wheeler
Hello, Eastern Canada! My name is Maria Wheeler and I’ve been in Key Club for almost 2 years now! Since coming into my position as your Governor, I’ve always been an active member in my club and participated in Student Council, Debate and Speech, Environment Club, and my school’s Social Justice Clubs. Some of my pastimes include reading, playing sports, hanging out with friends, and trying out new coffee shops! This year, some of my goals are to bring our board closer through hosting collaborative initiatives and chartering more schools. I also aim to lessen the burden of paying dues by looking at it through a team lens and playing to the strengths of Key Club. I cannot wait to see what this year has in store for us and to have the opportunity to represent our beautiful Eastern Canada!

District Executive Assistant – Lina Umar
Hello, my name is Lina Umar, and I am thrilled to be the DEA for the 2022/2023 term. I am currently a grade 11 student attending Saint Paul Catholic high school in Niagara Falls! Starting my 2 year and growing journey in grade 9 with key club, I am glad to had been given so many opportunities such as being on student council, athletic council, development for peace, various sports and of course being co-president with the fantastic individuals in my schools key club. In my own time, I enjoy volunteering in my community and investing a lot of effort into my own initiatives and projects that I’ve been working on, aside from the boring things, in my free time I enjoy playing sports, exploring new areas with both friends and family, going on long drives, taking hikes and my personal favourite travelling. My ultimate goal is for everybody who comes across keyclub, whether a member or not, to be able to find value and understanding in what our community’s goal is, and hopefully be encouraged to help make a difference as well. Feel free to contact me for whatever reason you see fit, or if you need someone to reach out to, I am eager to help and am really excited for this new journey to start!!

District Secretary Treasurer – Helena Hamzo
Hi! My name is Helena Hamzo and I am your District Secretary-Treasurer for the service year of 2022-2023! I am a grade 10 student at Colonel By Secondary School, Gloucester, Ottawa. I have been with Key Club for two years now. I was a Consulting Executive for my home club and I joined the ECD membership taskforce Information/Documents/Resources and Theme/Awards/Script. In my free time, I love to play the piano, read, draw and play with my Shih-Tzu, Mitzy. You can contact me through DMs and emails and I will respond as soon as possible! I can’t wait to work with you all and keep the Key Club community strong!

District Webmaster – Xue Feng Shi
I joined OCV Key Club in 2021 and soon became one of the Co-Presidents for the 2021-2022 school year. Shortly afterwards, I joined FocalOttawa, an initiative that supports and promotes local businesses as well as a local charity, where I now work on both the Marketing and Website teams! During DELC 2022, I was appointed the District Webmaster, and I’m so excited to be working with the Eastern Canada District Board! Hopefully, during my term as Webmaster, I’ll be able to accomplish the following things: ensure our website remains updated with the most current information, maintain communications with Key Club members, and provide you all with the resources you’ll need to succeed within your clubs! In my free time, I like to draw, read, and ride my bike! I’m also very passionate about computer science.

District Editor – Sophie Longval
Hey everyone! My name is Sophie Longval and I will be serving as District Bulletin Editor for the remainder of the service year! I am in grade 11 and I go to school in Ottawa, Ontario. I am interested in the arts and I am currently enrolled in my school’s visual arts program! I love listening to music, playing piano and guitar, and I swam competitively up until last year. I look forward to working with you all and seeing what we accomplish!

District Administrator – Firma French
I am a blessed and loved woman with a large family to enjoy BBQ’s, pool parties and skiing with. They are laughingly always ready to play a game of cards we share so many beautiful moments. My volunteer life began as a 14-yr old doing hair & nails for the senior ladies at the Civic Hospital, singing at daily Roman Catholic mass as a high school student, being a Girl Guide Leader (until I was married). My volunteering experiences continue in working with children needing remedial work in my children’s school, leading a children’s choir & a mixed choir of teens & seniors in church and many more. In Kiwanis, I have been a secretary, a President, a Lieutenant Governor, a Kiwanis District Administrator for K-Kids, Builders Clubs & Key Clubs as well as a Site Coordinator for Key Leader & now I’m back with Key Club as a District Administrator.It is an honour to mentor & share my experience with our Key Clubbers. Key Club is not for the privileged but for the teenager willing to help cloth the naked, feed the hungry, mentor or befriend the mistreated, bring joy to the lonely, raise funds for those special projects that their Key Club & the Eastern Canada Board agree on.
Lastly, your Faculty & Kiwanis advisors along with your parents are always there for you, so don’t forget to call on them & thank them for helping to further develop our strong leaders of tomorrow.aa reddish tint.
Lieutenant Governors

LTG Division 2/3 – Stephie Lee Varghese
Hello Key Clubbers! My name is Stephie Lee Varghese and I will be serving as your Lieutenant Governor for Division 2/3. I enjoy spending time with family, being outdoors and dancing. I joined Key Club in Grade 9 and later became the Social Media Representative of our home club. My first steps as LG will be to connect with the Key Clubs in our division and establish rapport. I hope to establish a sense of unity by having more events and opportunities for many to engage in. Feel free to contact me if you have any questions or concerns. I am looking forward to working with all of you this service year!

LTG Division 4 – Arielle Longo
Hi everyone! My name is Arielle Longo and I am honoured to serve as Lieutenant Governor of Division 4 for the 2022-2023 term! I’m currently a grade 10 student at A.N. Myer Secondary School in Niagara Falls. I love art, piano, cinema, and poetry, and during my free time, I run a fun little digital bilingual art magazine called Ambré Magazine, to help create a community of young Canadian creatives! A fun fact about me is that I speak French, Japanese, and I am currently trying (and struggling) to learn Italian. My goals for this term are to charter more clubs in my division, and create a divisional podcast! I am very much looking forward to all the great times we will have this upcoming service year 🙂

LTG Division 5 – Manuela Dcunha
Hello! I am Manuela Dcunha and am excited to be your Division 5 Lieutenant Governor for the 2022-2023 service year. I am a grade ten student at St. Joseph Secondary School and was previously serving as a Key Club Secretary and on the ECD Membership Taskforce as well as Kiwanis Family Relations. I love listening to music and like to make playlists that evoke powerful feelings. My favourite crazy food combination is grinding pepper in lemonade, it makes it taste a lot better! I look forward to working with you all to create a memorable service year.

LTG Division 8/9/10 – Ashiq Gazi
Hey there ECD! My name is Ashiq-Arab Gazi (Ash-ick Ar-eeb Gaz-ee) and I am this term’s Lieutenant Governor for Division 8/9/10. I joined Key Club in grade 10 and could not believe the level of altruism that the club embodies. Before Key Club, I was a part of my school’s social justice and equity club called “Race Relations (IDEA) club” where I began my debut as a social justice advocate with a school-wide awareness and fundraiser campaign called Fight4TheFlow. Period. From there I helped with Diversity/Identity events, fundraisers, and awareness campaigns, and began my studies in Arabic, Japanese, French, and Bengali to further my Global Citizenship. Besides the IDEA club, I was a part of my school’s Science Club, Math Club, International Certificate Program, Specialist High Skills Major Program, Badminton Club, and Rugby Club. I have made it my lifelong goal to learn, grow, and create and I know the LG position will do just that. I hope to make Key Club an environment in which all groups of people feel included and represented by making the club more gender and identity diverse. I also look forward to aiding my divisional clubs in switching from an online model to an in-person one and showing the world what Key Club is all about. Please don’t hesitate to reach out to me with any ideas, questions, or concerns, and don’t forget to have a great day and keep being awesome!

LTG Division 11/12 – Rexmin Vu
Hello there! My name is Rexmin Vu, and I’m so excited to be serving as your Lieutenant Governor of Division 11/12 for the 2022-2023 year! I’m currently living on the amazing Prince Edward Island and am a grade 10 student. Before joining Key Club, I would always volunteer around my school and community as a hobby, so when I discovered Key Club I was beyond excited to make my passion a constant reality! I also enjoy experiencing new foods and cultures, and in my free time, I love to crochet, cook, and listen to music. I joined Key Club at the beginning of 10th grade, and have already learned so much from the club’s members and advisor. I’ve also developed many new skills, for instance, speaking in front of a large crowd without passing out. 🙂 My goal as the Lieutenant Governor of Division 11/12 is to strengthen our division, connect clubs with each other, and of course charter more clubs in our community. I will carry out activities such as club of the month within division 11/12 (so watch out!). I can’t wait to work and get to know you all. As my home club always says, “No day but today!”