DELC 2023
District Education and Leadership Conference
Welcome to the DELC 2023 page! Read on to learn more about what DELC is, the theme for this year, and how to register! The registration cost for DELC is on sale from $400 to $300!
What is DELC?
The District Education and Leadership Conference (DELC) is an end-of-year District-wide celebration of all of the service and achievements all of the ECD Key Clubs have accomplished this service year. It marks the beginning of a brand new service year, with the new board being installed for 2023-2024.
This year, we’ll be holding this event from March 24-26 at the Crowne Plaza, Niagara Falls!
In case you missed it on our Instagram account @ecdkci, this year’s event theme is “Service is Sweet!
How do I register?
Click the golden button at the top of this page, and we’ll take you over to the registration page. It’ll close on February 23rd, so make sure to register soon! Please note that there will not be an early bird rate. The cost per attendee is $300, but feel free to fundraise in order to raise money for DELC!
Remember that you’ll only be able to attend if your club has paid dues this year. If you’re not sure, please check with your club president before registering.